sociology hard to rememer - paper 2

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what do james and prout say about childhood?

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what do james and prout say about childhood?

children often see the world in black and white and focus on their own needs, they are incapable of thinking outside themselves are simple and amoral. Adults are capable to see the complexity in situations and make moral decisions they are complex and moral.

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what did hillman find?

boys are more likely to be allowed to cross or cycle and go out after dark unaccompanied than girls.

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what did bonke find?

in lone parent households girls do more work to help than boys

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what did brannen find?

asian parents of girls are stricter

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what did buckingham find?

children still have major impact on consumer goods

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what did opie find?

childhood isn’t disappearing there is strong evidence of continued emergence and existence of childhood through jokes and games

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What did laslett find? (function)

church records show ONLY 10% of households had extended kin prior to the industrial revolution

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what did young and willmott find? (function)

in london extended kin networks were still strong as late as the 1970’s

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what did delphy and leonard find?

marriage is a key institution to the patriarchy

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what did beechy find?

women are the reserve army of cheap labour, they reproduce the workforce.

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what did hirsch find?

we need new policies to be put in place to find old age

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what did pilcher find?

There are still class and gender differences when it comes to discrimination based on age

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what did brass + keiber find?

The trend towards smaller families began in areas where the IMR was still high

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what did philipson find?

old people are of no use to the state so the state do not provide for them

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what did hunt find?

lifestyles can be chosen no matter what the age which means the old age become a dempographic to economically benefit from e.g anti wrinkle cream

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what did eade find?

Some people now develop hybrid identities as a result of migration e.g bangaladeshi muslims, it involves culture, hertiage, religion etc. People no longer chose to be just one it is a mix

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what did cohen find?

3 different types of migrants.

Heslots - literally slaves, the most exploited form of migrant. states and employers regard these as disposable units of labour found in unskilled poorly paid jobs. includes those illegally trafficked

Denizens - priveledged foreigh nationals who are welcomed by the state.

Citizens - have full citizenship rights - since the 70s this is hard to obtain.

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what did castelles find?

assimilation policy does more harm than good. It is counter productive

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what did wade and hetherington do?

in 1993 there were still high levels of sex typing of domestic tasks, younger men were more likely to think they did there fair share

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what did stats on couples in 2000/01 show?

women have 2.5 hours on housework, men around an hour and an extra half hour free time a day

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what did sullivan find?

a trend towards women doing a smaller proportion of the domestic work and men doing more

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what did ramos find?

where the woman is full time and man at home they do equal amounts of domestic labour

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what did edgell find?

the wife only makes unimportant decisions herself

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what did barett and mcintosh find?

men get more from womens unpaid domestic work than they provide financially

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what did vogel find?

those who cohabit are less likely to pool money

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what did elliot find?

rejects the view that all men benefit from violence against women, not all men are aggressive

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what did wilkinson and picket find?

domestic violence can be a result of stress and strain on families as a result of social inequalities.

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what did mitchell and goody find? (patterns)

stigma and negative label surrounding not being married has been in rapid decline since the 60s

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what did allan and crow find? (patterns)

marriage is less embedded in todays social systems

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what did hochschild find? (patterns)

for many women home is unfavourable, men still resist housework which makes marriage less stable

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what did bernard find? (patterns)

many women feels growing dissatisfaction with patriarchal marriage and sees the increasing divorce rates as evidence of growing acceptance of feminist ideas.

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what did stonewall find? (patterns)

5-7% will be same sex relationships

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what did cashmore find? (patterns)

women are choosing to have families on benefits rather than with partners - they are more stable

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what did ferri and smith find? (patterns)

step families are very similar to traaditional apart from the fact they are more at risk of poverty

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what did reynolds find? (patterns)

statistics on ethnicity and family structure are misleading

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what did ballard find? (patterns)

the extended family offers support in pakistani and bangladeshi families still today

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what did chamberlain find? (patterns)

caribbean families in uk continue to provide support for each other even if not living under the same roof

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what did bell find? (patterns)

based on class extended family had different functions, m/c - financial help father to son, w/c - domestic help mother to daughter

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what did brannen find? (patterns)

the beanpole family - long and thin through 3 or more generations downwards

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what did finch and mason find? (patterns)

found over 90% of people had given or received financial help, and about ½ had cared for a sick relative. shows people feel an obligation to their extended family.

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what was introduced in 1967

access to contraception

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what was introduced in 1974

child benefits

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what did abbott and wallace say

cutting benefits would lead to increased poverty

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what does leonard say (policy)

even policy that appears to benefit women is false, it benefits patricarhcy

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what does drew say (policy)

policies promote 1 of 2 types of gender regime

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what does wilson say about religion and science?

science is more rational than religion

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how can religiousity be measured according to glock and stark?

belief, practice, knowledge, experience, consequence.

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what are Mertons CUDOS norms?

communalism, universalism, disintrestedness, originality, scepticism

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what does Bellah define as civil religion?

where secular symbols and rituals create social cohesion functioning like religion in a multifaith society.

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who does parsons see religion as creating shared values?

it helps to integrate into the value consensus and allows individuals to make sense of their lives offering a primary source of meaning for members of society and answers to external questions.

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how does Bellah explain civil religion in the US?

sacred symbols in the US - a belief in americanism create solidarity in a society with diverse culture which performs function to bring people together.

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how do glock and stark evaluate the functionalist perspective?

argue that religion also generates conflict so a single theory of function cannot be generated.

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what is the function of religion according to malinowski

a psychological function, where the outcome is important but uncontrollable and uncertain and at time of life crisis managing tension and generating stability

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what does marx argue about the origin of religion?

man makes religion, it is a social construct developed by the capitalist class to develop false class consciousness.

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how does gramsci claim religion can act as a radical force?

if religion joins forces with the w/c intellectuals may be able to lead the masses in challenging the status quo to free them from oppression

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what is an examply supporting gramsci and the role of religion as a radical force?

martin luther king led campaign march using the southern baptist ministries which resulted in the passing of civil rights laws making discrimination based on skin colour illegal.

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what is an example of the church and liberation theology?

archbishop romero of el salvador was murdered for speaking out against the government concerning the dire conditions for the countries poor,

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how do abercombie hill and turner evaluate the marxist approach to religion

religion doesn’t possess dominant rule especially not on peasantry, it has a limited effect

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what is an example of religious teachings supporting the patriarchy?

genesis chapters 2 and 3 it is not good that man should be alone i shall make a fit helper for him

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who argues there is inequality in major religion


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what is the main ideas behind de bauviours view on religion and patriarchy

religion is used by oppressors to keep them in there place and as a way of compensating. religion is based on male interpretations

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how does Goss evaluate traditional feminist idea on the role of religion

post patriarchal buddhism is developing in western countries

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what religion emphasises equality?


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what does armstrong say on religion?

religion has not always been a patriarchal institution , decrease in female religious imagery after invasion - mother goddess.

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what does Daly and Walby say on the role of religion

d - religion is an ideological state apparatus, based on images teachings and exclusions

W - patriarchy is supported and reinforced through religion e.g the state, the household etc

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What is Davies main claims in regard to gender and religion?

There are gender differences in terms of religious practice, beliefs, self identification private prayer and other aspects.

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what does bruce explain in terms of gender and religion?

why are women so attracted to the new age, womens experiences of child rearing make them more likely to be attracted to new age as it makes them less aggressive and goal orientated and caring which fits with the expressive emphasis of the new age, women are more attracted to this they often feel oppressed

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how does brown explain decline in female piety?

from the 1960s women have also taken on secular masculine roles in the public sphere.

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what does woodhead attempt to explain?

female attraction to the new age

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who has an idea similar to woodhead on the new age and women?

Brown, new age self religions appeal to women as they emphasise self and subjective experience which appeals to females wish for autonomy.

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what researcher looks at women and sect participation?

Bruce 2x women in sects , Stark and bainbridge organismic deprivation

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who comments on ethnicity and religious participation?

bruce and herberg

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what does herberg see as religions role for EM groups?

religion is used as cultural transition which explains the high levels of participation in first gen immigrants.

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What do Voas and Crockett say?

the ageing effect, the period/cohort effect and secularisation all explain patterns of age and religious participation

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what do Arweck and Beckford say?

There is a virtual collapse of religious socialisation, traditional sunday schools have disappeared, parents of same faith 50% change of raising child to go to church drops to 25% when parents are different faith.

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how does bruce define cults?

close knit groups organised around common themes and interests, lack a sharply defined belief system

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When did new age become prominant?

1980’s as society became more capitalist and individual

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how can Wallis’ new typologies be evaluated?

Beckford - the typologies are hard to apply it doesn’t allow for diversity within an instituition it also doesn’t make it clear whether to focus on teachings or individual beliefs.

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who questions how mormonism and Jehovas witnesses should be evaluated?

Holden, a sect as adherence to strict values, conflict denomination, heirarch growing in size?

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who argues sects as a result of rapid social change?

Bruce and Wilson

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who argues why sects are short lived

neibuhr because they face the second generation problem

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How does Wilson explain the lifecycle of a sect?

different types of sects have different outcomes in society.

Conversionist sects continue by conversion to denomination, they try to recruit as many people as possible

adventist sects remain restricted and exclusive believing that god will return and members go to heaven.

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in general what leads to growth of NRM’s

schism, modernity, marginality, relative deprivation, career success and personal growth

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According to Wallis what causes growth of WRM’s

growth in higher education, secularisation, poverty, radicalisation

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Why do WAM’s rise

spiritual deprivation, for a sense of beloning, coping with inadequacy

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What did Melton find on NRM’s

founding dates of 836 non conventional religious groups this century US were rapidly growing in the 50’s which was considered to be a stable period before the 60’s

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What are 3 reasons for the growth of new age? what does drane argue?

individualism and the self, life as subjective life, relativism

D - NAM’s are a response to both the failure of religion AND science leaving people to look within themselves for answers.

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how does heelas explain new age movements

result of self spirituality and detraditionalisation

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how does pasons explain secularisation

result of structural differentiation

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how did protestantism give rise to capitalism

predestination - the future and path is set god will select few to form his elect to which nothing can be done to change the outcome

Acstetism - have to live a cutback life of self denial and discipline

divine transcendence - god was so far above and beyond no mortal could claim to know his will which generates salvation anxiety

vocation as calling - serving god through every day work was the acts of discipline and worship

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what is modern capitalism ?

systematic efficient and rational pursuit of profit for its own sake to reinvest into capitalism

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what do stark and bainbridge argue about religion?

religion cannot disappear it just comes in different forms, lack of choice in the uk has lead to faster decline than in the usa

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how does beger explain secularisation/ change in religion

rationalisation has led to social mobility

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how does Tawney explain secularisation

a result of a surge in tech

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how does casanova explain secularisation?

suggests there are 2 approaches to define secularisation,

decline in structure and decline in belief + practice

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what does wilson define as secularisation

secularisation is where religious thinking practice and instituation lose significacnce

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how does giddens define secualrisation

a process in religion loses influence over a variety of sphere - link to parsons and structural differentiation

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what does bruce say about secularisation

rationalisation is contributing to secularisation, minority religion is not a threat to secularisation theory as it is not actually religiousity

chryssides evaluates and argues religion is just adapting to fit society its still strong

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what does greeley see

NRM’s are part of resacrilisation

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