ITGS Case Study N22

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The maximum amount of data transmitted over an internet connection in a given amount of time.

Often mistaken for internet speed when it's actually the volume of information that can be sent over a connection in a measured amount of time

Calculated in megabits per second (Mbps).

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behavioural data

Shows what users are doing

Marketeers target specific user segments with more personalized language and calls-to-action. Insights from questions such as: How long are users staying inside your app? When do people come back after their first visit? How many people abandoned the checkout process?

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profile data

Shows who the users are

Actual characteristics about the user. This can be as simple as favourite sports teams or bands, or as robust as whether or not they use an in-store loyalty card. All of this information can be collected in real-time through the app, or outside the app and imported to an analytics platform.

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data monetisation

The process of identifying and marketing data or data-based products to generate monetary value.

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digital detox

Taking a break from social media

Period of time when a person refrains from using tech devices such as smartphones, televisions, computers, tablets, and social media sites

Often seen as a way to focus on real-life social interactions without distractions

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passive digital footprint

Information is collected from the user without the person knowing this is happening.

For example, your IP address, approximate location, or browser history.

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active digital footprint

Created when personal data is released deliberately by a user for the purpose of sharing information about oneself

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digital subculture

A lifestyle that is enabled by some sort of digital activity such as internet connectivity and is exclusive to a certain group of people

Examples may include internet memes, manga and anime, video games, GPS dating

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echo chamber

An environment where a person only encounters information or opinions that reflect and reinforce their own.

These create misinformation and distort a person's perspective so they have difficulty considering opposing viewpoints and discussing complicated topics.

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fear of missing out (FOMO)

A social media user's fear that others are engaging in activities without them

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filter bubble

A state of intellectual isolation that can result from personalised searches when a website algorithm selectively guesses what information a user would like to see based on information about the user, such as location, past click-behaviour and search history. bounded, enclosed media space that has the potential to both magnify the messages delivered within it and insulate them from rebuttal

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A word or phrase preceded by a this sign (#), used on social media websites and applications, especially Twitter, to identify digital content on a specific topic.


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Someone (or something) with the power to affect the buying habits or quantifiable actions of others by uploading some form of original—often sponsored—content to social media platforms like Instagram, YouTube, Snapchat, LinkedIn.

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The guiding principles which help the individual or group to decide what is good or bad.

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The beliefs of the individual or group as to what is right or wrong.

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professional learning network (PLN)

Learning through connecting with others online who have shared interests, ideas, or resources

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privacy principles

Practices that outline how privacy is protected.

Many systems, including many Web sites, put users on notice with respect to ownership, security, and terms of use of data collected.

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privacy settings

The part of a social networking website, internet browser, piece of software, etc. that allows you to control who sees information about you

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Right to be forgotten

The concept that individuals have the right to request that personal information be removed from the Internet.

In the European Union, the right to be forgotten is also referred to as the right to erasure. In order to effectively remove someone's personal data, there must be a traceable mechanism for making sure that deleted data is also removed from backup storage media.

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single sign-on (SSO)

Using one authentication credential to access multiple accounts or applications.

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social media addiction

A psychological, unhealthy dependency and recurring compulsion to engage in social media interactive platforms such as Facebook, Twitter and Instagram. It manifests as overuse and difficulty in abstaining. Ironically, one common effect of the problem is social isolation.

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targeted advertising

Use of data about customers to determine which adverts they are most likely to find useful.

It is the result of an analysis that allowed us to identify user segments that are potential consumers of the advertiser's products or services. This advertising generates target impressions, higher click-through rates and helps to efficiently spend the advertising budget.

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The use of digital technology to communicate and interact over distance. Examples of use include telehealth where it is used to support long-distance clinical health care, patient and professional health-related education, public health and health administration.

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digital footprint

The collected information about an individual across multiple websites on the Internet. It can be used to track a person's online activities and devices.

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confirmation bias

The tendency to search for, interpret, favour, and recall information in a way that confirms or supports one's prior beliefs or values.

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algorithmic bias

The intentional or unintentional bias that can result from using an algorithm to make a decision that may result in discrimination against certain individuals or groups and create unfair outcomes for some and favourable outcomes for others.

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social login

A form of single sign-on using existing information from a social networking service such as Facebook, Twitter or Google, to sign into a third party website instead of creating a new login account specifically for that website. It is designed to simplify logins for end users as well as provide more and more reliable demographic information to web developers.

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